Clinch takes the hassle out of shopping, assisting you to browse online. Because shopping should be fun!
As an online shopper spoilt for choice; we browse, compare, and consider from many vendors of our choice to make an informed decision.
Bookmarking, tab opening and taking screen shots to compare what we like is time consuming, frustrating and no longer meets our needs.
We have created the solution to this common problem.
Clinch: collect, compare, create, shuffle and share. Your online shopping browser @ the touch of a finger.
While browsing online, Clinch allows you to capture and store pieces you like from websites of your choice. Clinch from the web, take a photo, or import your own pictures.
Bookmark at a touch and scroll through your favourite sites.
Clinched pieces are stored within your Library, Compare them, add them to My Collections or create a Wish List.
Compare pieces you like from multiple websites of your choice. quickly eliminate or store them in your library
Create a canvas for inspiration. Piece together your next outfit, special event or decorate your home. See your ideas come to life and easily revisit sites as the links are taken along for the journey.
Select a deck and shuffle your way through multiple pieces to quickly coordinate your collections.
Customise your user profile and share your pieces, canvases and collections with family and friends.
For further information please visit our website – www.clinchthis.com